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With its leading role in the development of social sciences oriented researches in Turkey and its principle to attend high-level intellectual events, Social Sciences University of Ankara (ASBU) enabled our 36 students to attend the "One Day, Lady Gregory..." Conference.

This conference organised by the Department of English Language and Literature at Hacettepe University in collaboration with the Embassy of Ireland in Ankara on 23 November 2017 hosted many national and international scholars in this expertise, and our students had the opportunity to benefit from several scientific pieces of research there.

To this event, many people contributed among whom there were including Prof. Dr. Emel Doğramacı, one of the founders of the departments of English Language and Literature in Turkey, the rector of Hacettepe University Prof. Dr. Haluk Özen, the chairpersons of the same departments in the universities in Ankara, HE Brendan Ward - the Ankara Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland -, and Melissa Sihra from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. 

Several scholars from Hacettepe University, Trinity College Dublin, Middle East Technical University, Başkent University, Atılım University and Istanbul Kültür University investigated the life and works of the Irish playwright Lady Gregory at the conference. 

Our student found the opportunity to communicate with valuable professors during the coffee breaks and experienced the privilege of attending such an international event. 




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